What are Charge Profiles?
A Charge Profile is a hidden stat that influences how fast this blue gauge fills
. When this gauge is full, the player can use a hissatsu technique.
For goalkeepers, a full gauge reduces the TP cost of a catch hissatsu to zero.
The speed of which the gauge fills is also known as Charge Time (or Charge Speed).
Here is a list of all the charge profiles in the game (only for reference, absolutely not required to know):
This amounts to 37 charge profiles in total, although many of them are not attributed to any player in the game and are thus labeled as UNUSED. Counting only those that are attributed to at least one player, we have a total of 26 charge profiles.
The alphabets listed below the “Charge Speed Tier (Factor)” column represent the charge time, with C being the slowest and S++++++++ being the fastest.
Charge Factors
There are 12 different charge factors in total, each with different charge times (useful to know, but not required):
For clarification, the “Charge time (m:s)” column refers to the in-game time during online matches, while the “Charge time (s)” column refers to real-life seconds.
How it affects gameplay
Here we have Afuro Terumi (Aphrodi/Byron Love)’s charge profile and charge times:
Since he has a “Boy MF Slow” charge profile, his charge time is B without the ball, and A with the ball. What exactly does this mean?
When Aphrodi is in possession of the ball, it takes 5 minutes and 33 seconds of in-game time for his gauge to fill from zero to maximum.
Likewise, when Aphrodi is not in possession of the ball, it takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds of in-game time for his gauge to do the same.
Because charge times, and thus charge profiles by extension, dictates how often players can use hissatsu techniques (or how often they get free catch hissatsus in the case of GKs), they play a large factor in determining the strength and viability of a player.
The list of charge profiles and charge times of each player in the game can be found in the complete database here: Complete Database